Warm Audio WA-2A Tube Optical Compressor / Limiter

Product Description:

Additional information

Weight 12.00 lbs
Dimensions 7 × 19 × 3.5 in
Product Condition USED

‘2A Style Optical Compressor

No plug-in or other compressor type quite compares to the warm, forgiving, fluid qualities of the classic ‘2A optical compressor. For decades, the renowned ‘2A style circuit has become the go-to device for seamlessly handling vocals, bass, and a wide variety of other instruments and program material in an effortlessly smooth way.

Releasing the WA-2A would be for nothing if we couldn’t make it affordable. Since the start of Warm Audio we have striven to give an unprecedented value to our customers, by putting high end audio within the reach of more people than ever before. This philosophy drives everything we do, and every product we offer.

Premium Components

The WA-2A is a high-voltage, Class-A opto-compressor, utilizing large-core CineMag USA Transformers, four premium vacuum tubes, and the legendary Kenetek opto-cell – considered by many to be the world’s finest.

A Four Tube Operation

The WA-2A operates on four tubes: two 12AX7’s, one 12BH7, and one 6aq5 (or 6P1J). We proudly use premium brand tubes in the signal path, which sound very ‘open’ and LARGE. All 4 tubes are socketed for easy swapping and replacement.

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